Tag : landscape

Moody skies, Svalbard

Svalbard, 2023. Moody skies can really make a photograph. Other than the black and white conversion, this image is almost straight out of camera. ~KD

Svalbard revisited

As might been noticed from the updated homepage gallery,  I recently completed a trip to Svalbard in the Arctic circle,  my second trip to the archipelago, the first trip being back in 2013.   Landing in the only town of real size there, Longyearbyen, it appeared that there’s been considerable development in the intervening decade.   Unlike my previous visit, this visit was to be mostly ship based exploration of the northern parts of the islands with the emphasis on […]

Early morning at the pond

Early morning in Kahna Tiger Reserve in India,  not a breath of wind and the pond has a glass-like reflective sheen.    It’s worth pausing from our pursuit of tigers and other wildlife to take in the scene and consider the photographic possibilities. Considering composition. The early light picks out the foliage of the trees on the far shoreline and is evident in the refection of course.    There is a blackened dead tree, standing stick-like and reflected perfectly in […]

Nile River reflections.

The River Nile near Aswan, Egypt, and the water gives a near-perfect golden metallic reflection.

Shepherd's hut

Shepherd’s hut and Dhaulagiri, Nepal.

Photographing a grand landscape it pays to pause and carefully consider the compositional possibilities

Annapurna Range

Sunset on the Annapurna Circuit, Nepal.

 With the sun low in the sky,  the scene is strongly side-lit which has the effect of giving the features in the landscape some dimensionality.

Annapurna Ranges

Mountain Ridges, Annapurna Circuit, Nepal.

The time of day and the cloud cover combine to give a soft light and what I find a pleasing colour to the sky and distant ridges.

Big Island, Hawaii

White stones on black lava

many beaches around the Big Island of Hawaii consist largely of black lava rock,  not surprising given that the islands exist because of volcanic activity.

Reviewing photos of Wadi Rum, Jordan

Excuse me as I revisit some of my photographs from the March, 2007, trip through Egypt and Jordan when I was fortunate enough to travel through Wadi Rum. World Heritage listing. Wadi Rum in Southern Jordan is a desert region of sandy valleys and dramatic sandstone and granite mountains some over 1700 metres in height.  Covering an area of 720 square kilometres, there has been human habitation here for thousands of years, UNESCO recognizing its cultural significance by adding it […]

St Michaels Mount, Cornwall.

Late afternoon sky over St Michael’s Mount

Late afternoon sky over St Michael’s Mount, Cornwall.