Social media alternatives.

It seems that monopolies (or near-monopolies) just can’t help themselves and are drawn to abusing their market domination.

create post - Facebook rejection create post – Facebook rejection

My attempted post to Facebook (above) The result (below)

Facebook versus the Australian Government.

Another reason to support social media alternatives.

Fortunately, there are alternatives including one which I’ve only recently become aware of: MeWe
Pitching itself as the “anti-Facebook”, with a “no data mining”, “no favoured treatment via algorithms” policy. “No Ads. No Political Bias. No Targeting. No BS.” To paraphrase the company’s CEO, Mark Weinstein,

“We will no longer tolerate the spying, targeting, manipulation, and political bias by the current social media giants. We don’t want our newsfeeds to be interfered with. We won’t allow our freedom of speech to be trampled on anymore!”

Lofty ideals and I’m prepared to sign on. It will be interesting to see how it works! ~KD (KD on MeWe)