The Albatross is graceful once in the air, and its flight appears effortless, but getting airborne is a different matter. The bird needs to run flat out to get up enough speed to get off the ground. Here a Laysan Albatross uses the downhill slope of a sand dune to help propel itself. (Couldn’t think of a suitable hashtag for this one. Maybe should have waited a couple of days and invent “takeoff Tuesday” 🙂 ~KD

This image is part of the Midway Atoll image gallery.
Comments (via Google +)
Csaba János Szente 4 Dec 2011 This is “flywalking” ? Superb
John Spade 5 Dec 2011 Really cool shot
Christa Niederer 14 Dec 2011 Great action shot and I particularly like the colour composition in this image!
– Kevin Dowie 14 Dec 2011 Thank you all for your comments, much appreciated!
Елена Ващукова 27 Dec 2011 What a nice very moment!