Tag : religion

The Main Nave

Metropolitan Cathedral, Buenos Aires

One of the challenges in photographing the building interiors was the relatively low light levels and the need to shoot handheld.

Skylight, Recoleta Cemetery

Recoleta Cemetery

there is plenty to ponder and explore with textures, the play of light and shadow, reflections and, of course, the religious symbolism.

Nizamuddin, Delhi, India.

Gurdwara Bangla Sahib, one of the most significant sites for India’s Sikhs, is a place of worship, pilgrimage, education and also community support

The Word, Dargah Nizamuddin, Delhi, India

Old and young read The Word at Dargah Nizamuddin and the very young are introduced to it.

Islamic China

Islamic China

China is not as racially and culturally homogenous as some think. Officially there are 56 national minorities in China with about 13 in Xinjiang …