Tag : Huangshan Mountains

snow monkeys

Snow monkeys, Huangshan Mountains, China

The monkeys pictured here were part of a troop numbering probably 40 to 50 individuals and included quite a few very young ones.

Wildlife in China and not a panda in sight

snow monkeys, more correctly macaque monkeys. For several years people have enticed the monkeys to come to the edge of a forest by scattering loose corn for them.

Huangshan Mountains, China

the Huangshan Mountains, a region that has inspired artists, poets, and others for centuries with its rocky outcrops, forests and sometimes mysterious misty atmosphere.

Ridgeline, Huangshan Mountains, China

the Huangshan Mountains, a region that has inspired artists and poets for centuries with its scenery and often misty weather.

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A strange play of light. Huangshan Mountains, China

Huangshan Mountains (Yellow Mountains), China. The late afternoon provides oblique angled shafts of light pouring in through the gap in the mountains.