Tag : environmental portrait

Young girl under umbrella

The little girl with the umbrella

sheltering under her umbrella, a young girl makes for a sweet but challenging portrait.

Making tofu, Indonesia.

Making Tofu, Indonesia.

With the steam rising and shafts of light coming in through windows and the odd hole in the roof, some atmospheric photos were possible.

Construction site, Kathmandu

The concrete mixer

says much about the friendly and welcoming people of Nepal and about the lack of rules and regulations.

The novice

The novice

a young man pauses briefly for a pleasing environmental portrait.


Bangkok drugstore

Whilst wandering the streets of Bangkok,  I happened across a small, traditional,  drugstore where the pharmacist was busy with mortar and pestle.

Barber's shop Haridwar, India.

The barber’s shop, Haridwar, India.

Walking along one of the streets of Haridwar, I encountered a barber’s shop,  I was made welcome by the staff and this small photo essay is the result.

Woman under red veil, Haridwar

the woman is engaged with the camera but her details remain obscure,  mysterious even,  under her red veil.

Faces of Haridwar

A selection of street portraits taken in Haridwar, India.

Waiting for sunrise, Varanasi

Pre-dawn and there is a stillness to the air, a quietness, even a sense of mystery. A man sits serenely, at one with his thoughts

Portrait of a young man, Old Delhi, India

Exposure bracketing helps to deal with extreme lighting conditions when taking an environmental portrait.