Tag : Color Efex Pro

Garlands and shadows.

Garlands and shadows

an abstract image from Boudhanath Stupa, Kathmandu.

Protea, Capetown, South Africa

Lightroom and Color Efex Pro combined to make the most of a botanical study.

Flamingos on a lake.

An experiment using Google’s Color Efex Pro to get the most out of a landscape/wildlife image.

Monsters in a pit.

To hell with realism.  Digital image processing helps create an apocalyptic,  Orwellian vision.

Sunset, Phuket, Thailand.

Sunset over a beach on Phuket, Thailand, the tide was receding leaving rivulets of water etching the sand and reflecting the colours of the sky.

Ostrich in long grass

The continuing experimentation with digital image processing.

Boats at Varanasi, revisited.

Sunrise over India’s mighty Ganges River provided a warm light over some boats moored at the water’s edge. Nik’s Color Efex Pro helped …

Riverboat, River Li, Guangxi Provence

original capture on colour negative film in 1999,  the digital scan was latter processed via Photoshop and Google (formerly Nik Software) Color Efex Pro