Myth, misinformation and the role of social media

Myth, misinformation and the role of social media explored: An excellent read on the subject. Opinion | ‘But I Saw It on Facebook’: Hoaxes Are Making Doctors’ Jobs Harder

…. making doctors’ jobs harder (but making Facebook money! – KD)

And another worth reading:

How often do you check your social media news feed only to see cut and pasted, nonsense, postings from friends? In many cases the poster may be highly educated but, has failed to carry out the most basic of inquiries to establish the articles’ veracity or lack of it. This article is focused on COVID 19 misinformation but is just as relevant to anything else people are tempted to post or repost on social media.

Honest Abe, misinformation and the role of social media. the role of social media in promoting misinformation explored

The last word on the subject goes to “Honest Abe”.  A credible source if ever there was one!

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