Man Mo Temple, Hong Kong

Continuing to work through my images from Hong Kong captured earlier this year.    Today we visit Man Mo Temple on Hollywood Road in the district of Sheung Wan.   Built in 1847,  this temple, part of a complex of three,  is the largest of several “Man Mo Temples” and is dedicated to the civil god Man Cheong and the martial god Kwan Tai.

Taking photos in the complex was a matter of moving quietly,  respecting the activities of others visiting and worshipping,  and dealing with the challenges of low light levels and in some cases high contrast.    Obviously, the use of a tripod is inappropriate here and so I found myself using high ISOs and/or slow shutter speeds and concentrating hard on careful hand-holding technique.

Man Mo Temple, Hong Kong

Candles, Man Mo Temple, Hong Kong

Incense spirals, Man Mo Temple, Hong Kong

These images are part of the Hong Kong image gallery.   ~KD


Thanks to those people who have jumped onto the Newsletter subscription list recently,  it’s encouraging to see quite a few new readers coming on board!   I’ll be mailing out a newsletter in the near future which will give an overview of what’s been happening here.   One point which seems to have confused a few people is that the system requires that you confirm your email to take effect.   This ensures that the system is kept for genuine readers and not abused.

Image requests.

Another “housekeeping” item which I’ll address quickly,  relates to image purchase and licensing.    Recently I’ve received some inquiries relating to the use or supply of my images for commercial purposes.    I remind readers that all materials published on this website are covered by copyright and do have commercial value.  I don’t give away images but am happy to discuss purchase or licensing requests which can be made via the contact page.          ~KD