“Erosion and dead trees”, not exactly the most inviting title I could have come up with, but at least it’s accurate. From my continuing series of photos from Waimea Canyon, Kaua’i, I couldn’t decide whether I preferred this image in colour or monochrome, so I’ll present both and let you the reader decide. The canyon of course provides the opportunity for the grand vista type of shots and I did take a few of those, but sometimes it’s interesting to look at some of the “smaller landscape” images too. Also, I’ve decided to increase the size of the images presented from 800 pixels to 1000 pixels, hopefully, the images display well at this larger size. If anyone finds a problem with the change, please let me know.

In colour, there’s a nice contrast between the greens and the orange/reds of the soil.

In monochrome, I like the contrast provided by the bleached white dead timber. As I’ve done a bit lately, the black and white image got my 4020_4020 toning preset treatment in Lightroom.