Category : Victoria

Car Rally – Yarra Valley

Today I’m digging into my photo archives to rediscover some images captured way back in 1990!   Who needs a time machine?  The occasion was a rally car event held in the Yarra Valley outside of Melbourne.   As I recall, the event was in three stages,  one being on gravel roads (temporarily closed to regular traffic) out of town and through the surrounding bushland.  Another being around a sports reserve and the immediate area with a third being around one of […]

The Old Change Room

A visit to an historic gold mine in regional Victoria.  The mine has long ceased operations but the ghosts may still be present!   They left their clothes hanging in the old change room….

Watching over Melbourne

The Peregrines progress From the Melbourne CBD webcam on the Mirvac Tower, Collins Street. The four peregrine falcon chicks are thriving with one of the chicks, I guess we should now call them juveniles, making its first flight this morning, 8th November.  The remaining chicks are likely to fly over the next day or two with plenty of practice wing stretching and flapping activity going on. For those not familiar with the city, the scene here is looking south over […]

The falcons progress.

The Chicks thriving An update to the progress of Melbourne’s CBD Peregrine falcons.  I’ve found it fascinating to check in on the live webcam and see the daily development of the four chicks as they go from tiny down covered hatchlings huddled under one of the parents,  to now being too large to allow for the adult to brood over.  (I assume that’s the correct terminology) Collins Street Falcons. 21st October, 2021. Happily, to this point, all four chicks appear […]

RAAF f18 hornet fly past

Australian International Airshow 2017

The Australian International Airshow was conducted during March, 2017, at the Avalon airfield outside Melbourne in Victoria providing plenty of aerial thrills.

Winter in Australia

A snow-covered road to Victoria’s Lake Mountain, outside Melbourne, is a timely reminder that parts of Australia don’t always comply with the preconceived image

After the fire.

Victoria’s bushfires of 2009, caused destruction on a scale not previously witnessed in Australia. It did however provide some scenes of eerie beauty.

Ashes and snow

Bushfire charred trees and snow, a classic example of how the camera’s light meter can be fooled.