
Facing the light. Wildflowers, Svalbard

Facing the light. Wildflowers, Svalbard. 2023. The Arctic is not the place for large showy flowers. The climate demands they are small, in some species the blooms are no larger than a match head. This species, curse me but I can’t recall the name, has blooms about the size of a fingernail. Real fingernails that is, not those glue on plastic numbers that some women, and most drag queens, wear!

Svalbard revisited

As might been noticed from the updated homepage gallery,  I recently completed a trip to Svalbard in the Arctic circle,  my second trip to the archipelago, the first trip being back in 2013.   Landing in the only town of real size there, Longyearbyen, it appeared that there’s been considerable development in the intervening decade.   Unlike my previous visit, this visit was to be mostly ship based exploration of the northern parts of the islands with the emphasis on […]

Brandenburg Gates, Berlin

Brandenburg Gates reflected.   ( I do like a good puddle!) Brandenburg Gates, Berlin. 2023

Sukhumvit impressions

Picking up from my previous blog entry, another evening panorama overlooking Sukhumvit Road, Bangkok.   This time I elected a different approach with a more impressionistic, multi-layered presentation.    A similar effect to what might be achieved with a traditional in-camera multiple exposure but in this instance done via Photoshop. Sukhumvit Road impressions. This is hardly a new idea and indeed it’s been used many times by many people to the point where it’s in danger of becoming clique. Still, […]

Dusk over Sukhumvit Road

End of a hot day in Bangkok and the search is on to find a cool breeze and perhaps a cold drink!    My search took me to one of Bangkok’s many rooftop bars,  this one atop the Marriott Hotel and overlooking bustling Sukhumvit Road. My “Chiang Mai” arrived complete with ice cube floating next to a whisky soaked dried apricot on its bamboo skewer.   At the price and the liquor content,  it pays to sip slowly.   I […]

Green Bee-eater

Photographed in India’s Kahna Tiger Reserve, a Green Bee-eater pauses on a twig with its catch.   These birds were frequently seen but required a long focal length lens to get a decent picture.  In this case the 150-600mm zoom on a Fujifilm XH2s at the 600mm end of the zoom range.   On the XH2s this gives the angle of view equivalent of 900mm on a full frame 35mm camera. Used at the lens’ widest aperture, F8.0, a shutter […]

Early morning at the pond

Early morning in Kahna Tiger Reserve in India,  not a breath of wind and the pond has a glass-like reflective sheen.    It’s worth pausing from our pursuit of tigers and other wildlife to take in the scene and consider the photographic possibilities. Considering composition. The early light picks out the foliage of the trees on the far shoreline and is evident in the refection of course.    There is a blackened dead tree, standing stick-like and reflected perfectly in […]

Golden Jackals, Kahna Tiger Reserve, India

Among the species seen in Kahna Tiger Reserve in India was the Golden Jackal.   I was fortunate to get some good sightings of these,  particularly in the early morning when we encountered a pair as they returned to a kill they’d made.  The prey animal was a Spotted Deer fawn which they’d already partly eaten.  There was some interaction between the two dogs as one made it clear who was the dominant partner,  warning the other off as it […]

Wild Boar, Kahna Tiger Reserve, India

Well,  if the last post was of a beauty that anyone can appreciate,  today it’s a face only a mother could love. Beauty or not, it has its place in the eco-system. I’ve presented it here in a different format so please be patient if it takes a moment to load. ~KD