Another Hazy Sunset – The Monochrome effect

Following on from yesterday’s post,  some further panoramic shots of Bangkok taken during a hazy sunset.   Today I’ve decided to go with the sepia toned monochrome treatment.

The first image is a 5 shot stitched panorama.  Made using the 102 megapixel Fujifilm GFX 100s the file size of the panoramic was a memory test for the computer with the composite file reaching over 5 gigabyte during processing.  I ended up with a file that would print at high resolution to about 2 and a half metres by just over 1 metre!   Struth.

The second image is a single frame.   This is an image I may return to at a latter date as I’m not convinced I’ve got the processing just where I want it.   Given the very fine detail in the scene,  it probably benefits from viewing at a larger size than is practical on the internet.

As may be gathered,  I’m currently “on the road”.  Hopefully there are some more interesting photographs to come,  including the possibility of something I’ve never seen before and which few people are fortunate enough to witness!   ~KD.