Tag : conservation

Raising goats, Ladakh

Whilst my stay in the Ladakh region of India was mainly focused on photographing snow leopards and other wildlife,  there was also the opportunity to interact with the local people who were welcoming towards us.   Whilst eco-tourism is a relatively recent development,  the raising of Pashmina Goats for their prized fine wool has been a feature of village life for generations. Traditionally a family’s wealth would be defined by how many goats they owned and consequently the goats are […]

Click for The Age news article and video

Return of the Eastern Barred Bandicoot

We are so often overwhelmed by environmental doom and gloom predictions that it is refreshing to be able to report something positive. As reported in Melbourne’s Age newspaper,  there is encouraging news regards the survival prospects for a critically endangered species.    In an international first an endangered species that was believed extinct in the wild has been successfully reintroduced and will have its conservation status changed, with Victoria’s Eastern-barred Bandicoot population successfully saved from extinction. On Wednesday, Environment Minister […]

Keoladeo National Park, Bharatpur, India.

A collection of photos from the renowned bird sanctuary and wetland

gibbon in tree - click for audio visual presentation

In search of wild gibbons

In this post, we go in search of wild gibbons. In a small wildlife reserve in Assam, India, a troop of hoolock gibbons was known to live in the treetops.

Sepilok, Orangutan eating banana.

the Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre near Sandakan in Sabah, was established in the mid 1960’s with the aim of rehabilitating orphaned or rescued orangutans and returning them to the forest.