On the road, Arizona

My travels through the USA continue and on this day involved a long drive from Las Vegas to the Grand Canyon through Arizona.   The image here is perhaps a classic “on the road” picture with much of the appeal being the weather conditions at the time.   As much as I like the image,  I can only agonize over the one that got away!

About 10 to 15 minutes prior to pulling over to the side of the road to get this image with its fluffy cumulus clouds,  the preceding section of highway was subject to drizzling rain and heavy dark clouds.   Just the kind of conditions that can provide for dramatic photos.   To add to the scene was a fabulous double rainbow the inner one being the most intensely coloured rainbow I’ve ever seen.   I recall seeing it and thinking that if I could get a photograph,  I might need to desaturate the colours a bit to make it more believable!   Unfortunately, the road conditions were such that there was no possibility of stopping safely.   No picture is worth creating a traffic hazard!     So like the big fish that slipped off the hook,  I can only wonder about “the one that got away”!    🙁  KD

clouds over arizona Fluffy cumulus clouds over the Arizona landscape.

This image is part of the still-growing USA 2018 gallery.