Granite boulders.

Texture, detail, black and white.

Originally captured on colour negative film back in 1990,  during my visit to Porongurup National Park, Western Australia and now scanned into the computer to enable some up to date digital processing.    These boulders and rock outcrops of granite benefit from a monochrome treatment in Silver Efex Pro.

Having carried out very basic preparation in Lightroom,  the images were then taken into Photoshop where the base,  or “background”,  image was converted to a smart object and then taken into Silver Efex Pro.    The adjustments in SFX included boosting the contrast and selectively increasing the “structure” to bring out that fabulous texture.  One of the features of SFX is the ability to set “control points” which allows for strict control on just where in the image is impacted by processing changes.

Whilst I was keen to grab that detail in the rocks,  I didn’t wish to introduce the same effect on the sky as that would simply add or emphasize the grain present.    As it is I’ve been able to achieve a creamy effect in the skies which is what I was after.  After the global and then localized adjustments were done,  the only other thing to do was use a subtle sepia toning.    Using the smart filter capability in Photoshop means that should I wish to review or tweak the processing in future,  opening the image file and picking up where I left off in SFX is simple!  ~KD.

Granite boulder, Porongurup National Park, Western Australia.
Rock Formations, Western Australia

These images are part of my Western Australia gallery. ~KD.