Author Archives: kdkevindowie-com

Snow Leopard, Ladakh, India

As alluded to in a previous blog post, today’s post relates to the Snow Leopards of Ladakh, India. My journey to the region in February, 2023, was primarily to seek out, and photograph,  the elusive snow leopard.   This animal has an almost mythical reputation, “always present, rarely sighted”.   As the apex predator of this mountainous region, individuals range over large areas in search of prey, notably Urials and Ibex.   Both predator and prey are superbly adapted to […]

Ladakh wildlife in Winter

February, 2023, winter in Ladakh in the north-west of India and the quest is to find and photograph the elusive snow leopard.   At an altitude of approximately 4000 metres and with overnight temperatures dropping as low as minus 20 Celsius, you need to be prepared.   Wildlife is often viewed at a distance, neccessitating the use of long telephoto lenses and a bit of luck too. Whilst the leopard was our main target (and will be the subject of […]

Another Hazy Sunset – The Monochrome effect

Following on from yesterday’s post,  some further panoramic shots of Bangkok taken during a hazy sunset.   Today I’ve decided to go with the sepia toned monochrome treatment. The first image is a 5 shot stitched panorama.  Made using the 102 megapixel Fujifilm GFX 100s the file size of the panoramic was a memory test for the computer with the composite file reaching over 5 gigabyte during processing.  I ended up with a file that would print at high resolution […]

Hazy sunset, Bangkok

Hazy Sunset, Bangkok

A characteristic hazy late afternoon in Bangkok, Thailand,  as seen from a downtown rooftop bar. Downtown Bangkok under a hazy sunset. ~KD

Half moon over Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco

The Palace of Fine Arts located in the Marina District of San Francisco was one of several structures constructed for the 1915 Panama–Pacific International Exposition which commemorated the opening of the Panama Canal and also served to demonstrate the recovery of the city following the great earthquake and fire of 1906.  The buildings constructed for the Expo weren’t intended to last long term and so were built from flimsy materials such as timber, plaster and burlap.   Most of the […]

Film Noir inspired?

September, 2022.  USA.

Photographing Brazil’s Pantanal

A recent trip to the Pantanal region of Brazil provided some fabulous wildlife photo opportunities.  Today a brief review of some of my many pictures (see the slideshow on the home page for some more) from this region. At the time of posting,  I’m still on the road with limited computer/internet access so,  a more substantial update will occur in a couple of weeks time.   ~KD. Jaguar leaping from tree Kingfisher diving for fish. Jaguars, mated pair, Pantanal. Hyacinth […]

Pyramid and sky, Giza, Egypt.

In ancient times these pyramids were covered in polished white limestone and would have been dazzling, reflecting the sunlight. Over the years the limestone has weathered away, been broken/damaged by earthquakes, or deliberately removed.

Pyramids in sepia

Some of the pyramids are believed to have been built over a period of about 20 years and would have required a workforce of as many as 200,000 people.

The Old Cataract Hotel, Aswan, Egypt

It’s said that Agatha Christie wrote “Death on the Nile” whilst staying there and a film based on the novel was shot there in the 1970s.