Tag : wildlife

Caimans of the Pantanal

Floating along the rivers and channels of the Pantanal,  Caiman are seen in large numbers. Family portrait? Caiman were often seen motionlesss on the river banks, jaws open to regulate the animals body temperature. Fly crawling on caiman.  Notice one of the teeth from the lower jaw visible through a hole in the edge of the upper snout. Fly on Caiman Adorned with swamp vegetation.

Wild Boar, Kahna Tiger Reserve, India

Well,  if the last post was of a beauty that anyone can appreciate,  today it’s a face only a mother could love. Beauty or not, it has its place in the eco-system. I’ve presented it here in a different format so please be patient if it takes a moment to load. ~KD

Photographing Brazil’s Pantanal

A recent trip to the Pantanal region of Brazil provided some fabulous wildlife photo opportunities.  Today a brief review of some of my many pictures (see the slideshow on the home page for some more) from this region. At the time of posting,  I’m still on the road with limited computer/internet access so,  a more substantial update will occur in a couple of weeks time.   ~KD. Jaguar leaping from tree Kingfisher diving for fish. Jaguars, mated pair, Pantanal. Hyacinth […]

Early morning, Keoladeo National Park.

an early morning in Keoladeo National Park at Bharatpur, India,  provides some pleasing wildlife and bird photography opportunities.