Tag : image compositing

Dusk over Sukhumvit Road

End of a hot day in Bangkok and the search is on to find a cool breeze and perhaps a cold drink!    My search took me to one of Bangkok’s many rooftop bars,  this one atop the Marriott Hotel and overlooking bustling Sukhumvit Road. My “Chiang Mai” arrived complete with ice cube floating next to a whisky soaked dried apricot on its bamboo skewer.   At the price and the liquor content,  it pays to sip slowly.   I […]

multi shot composite

Westminster Abbey and the multi shot composite.

the stack mode composite method can be a great way to deal with digital noise when using high ISOs to photograph static subjects in low light, however the technique can also be useful as a compositing system more generally.

Haleakala National Park, Maui.

Alarm set for 3 am! The recommended layers of clothing, camera batteries charged, torch, breakfast, fully fuelled car. Well prepared but for one thing!