Tag : Kahna Tiger Reserve

Early morning at the pond

Early morning in Kahna Tiger Reserve in India,  not a breath of wind and the pond has a glass-like reflective sheen.    It’s worth pausing from our pursuit of tigers and other wildlife to take in the scene and consider the photographic possibilities. Considering composition. The early light picks out the foliage of the trees on the far shoreline and is evident in the refection of course.    There is a blackened dead tree, standing stick-like and reflected perfectly in […]

Golden Jackals, Kahna Tiger Reserve, India

Among the species seen in Kahna Tiger Reserve in India was the Golden Jackal.   I was fortunate to get some good sightings of these,  particularly in the early morning when we encountered a pair as they returned to a kill they’d made.  The prey animal was a Spotted Deer fawn which they’d already partly eaten.  There was some interaction between the two dogs as one made it clear who was the dominant partner,  warning the other off as it […]

Wild Boar, Kahna Tiger Reserve, India

Well,  if the last post was of a beauty that anyone can appreciate,  today it’s a face only a mother could love. Beauty or not, it has its place in the eco-system. I’ve presented it here in a different format so please be patient if it takes a moment to load. ~KD